It's that time of year again that time of year where I make all kinds of lists about movies actually it's only three kinds but still and the first one of those is the list of films that are coming out next year that I'm the most excited for my most anticipated if you will now remember this list isn't a guarantee of the quality of the films I've had movies on here before that have turned out well not great these are just the movies that at the moment I'm really looking forward to and the thing is these aren't like the movies the general public is most excited for these are the ones that I  in person is looking forward to the most. I'm just saying that because I know someone will be like hey where's detective Pikachu or IT-2 or Toy Story for whatever and those are just films that yeah I'm pretty high for but I don't have the same level of nostalgia or love for the source material that a lot of people have. Anyway with all said let's get into this starting off

10 Joker

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This is one of those that could very easily come back to bite me because this to me looks like it's going for a lot and it's either gonna be amazing or terrible. I thought the people come out of this and go yeah I was all right and I'm hoping for and suspecting it'll be the first. So far I've loved the look of the character and the film overall. It's got a great cast and director and even though I wasn't crazy about this premise when I first heard it after everything we've seen I think this could really work and be a different kind of comic book film like Logan or Deadpool.

9. Hobs and Shaw

Image result for hubs and shaw 2019

This is kind of a guilty pleasure pic because I know even if this is exactly what I want it to be it's not going to be a masterpiece or anything but that's what I like about it. I don't think The Fast & Furious films that I've seen are amazing or anything but the last two the ones I've seen are a ton of fun for me at least ordinarily one of those films wouldn't be on my list though maybe in the honorable mentions but easily my favorite part of the last film was the Statham rock dynamic this is one of those rare cases where I feel like a spin-off is actually really warranted. I was watching that film and thinking I would absolutely love to see a whole film of these two. If you know me at all you know I love a good buddy cop team-up story or just a buddy team-up or an odd pairing team-up they don't have to be cops and with two very likeable and charismatic leads a great action blockbuster director Isaac Gonzales from baby driver and Idris Elba as the villain come on how can you not be at least a little excited next to number.

8. Lego movie -2

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This is another kind of gamble because I'm putting my in the film despite what I've seen so far so far the trailers have looked pretty good but not amazing to me and amazing enough to be on this list but I'm putting my faith in this franchise because well I haven't seen lego ninjago I absolutely love the first Lego movie and the Lego Batman movie so I'm not alone I'm excited to see more of this world plus the trailers haven't looked terrible or anything I've gotten some chuckles out of them and I thought the trailers for the first lego movie looked absolutely horrendous and I ended up loving that film so here's hoping.

7. Glass

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This movie is one of the most awaited movie for me after I watched unbreakable and Split. These prequels kept me so excited that I kept on waiting this movie. I was so addicted that i used count the days for this. Now the best part is Bruce Willis is gonna be back and in action.

6. Kingsman the Great Game

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There's been a lot of confusion around this film because Taron Egerton said he's not going to be in Kingsman 3 but apparently he meant this film which is a prequel set in the early 1900s and he in fact is going to be in the actual Kingsman 3 coming out sometime in the future but that just confuses me because I wouldn't call this kind of prequel Kingsman 3 some more of a spin-off I guess and I'm thinking some people just wanted a good headline because of course X he's not in it he wouldn't be bored for several decades anyway assuming I've understood all this correctly this is not Kingsman 3 but a prequel about how Kingsman was established with great finds as the lead apparently Matthew Vaughn is directing which is a good sign and the rest of the cast with Daniel Bruhl and Charles dance looks pretty good my only concerns are a Golden Circle was pretty bad so I'm hoping Vaughn's learned from that and B if this is really a part of the Kingsmen story that needs to be told because frankly I'd like to see what happens next with eggsy and harry but i i'm still found in the series mostly just based on how much i love the first one so it's here on the list coming in at number five.

 5. US

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I don't have much to say about this one because i know really nothing about it plot wise and i want to keep it that way the reason it's here is because get out was incredible so whatever Jordan Peele did next. It'd be on this list Lupita Nyong'o and Winston Duke er starring John peels directing and writing it's another relatively low-budget horror film that's all I need or want to know very interested at number four is

4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

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Another kind of different one from the rest of these but I loved Tarantino's films say what you will about him he may or may not be not so great of a person and maybe he's not super original but just talking movie wise I'm a big fan I haven't seen all of his films but the ones I have seen are fantastic and while Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are great his latest stuff is my favorite keeping in mind I have just seen the hateful eight, Django and inglorious basterds are easily two of my favorite films of all time so I'm very excited to see what's next also the cast is insane with names like Brad Pitt, Leo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie, Al Pacino, Tim Roth, Timothy Olyphant, Kurt Russell James Marsden and many many more now we're at the top three and at this point it gets a little more tricky to decide the order but at the third spot I've got

3. John wick 3

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John wick 1,  I remember being really good but I haven't really gone back to it but John wick 2 is fantastic one of my favorite recent action films so of course the third one's gonna be high on my list take all the great stuff from last films in terms of action and the world and Keanu Reeves performance and then put it into a film where the entire assassin world is after John wick yeah this is gonna be brutal also John wick fights a guy while on horseback what more do you need now in second place I've got

2. Spider-Man Far From Home

Image result for spider man far from home

I know I know classic bhl having two MCU films at number one and two I mean I shouldn't spoil what number one is cuz that was still mystery but what can I say I love the MCU and I especially loved homecoming I'm still so impressed how one solo spider-man film made me care more about this Peter Parker then any of the other films could do for the other versions I'm not saying all those are bad or anything let's just not get into that my point is not only did I love the fun more small-scale personal tone of that film but I love this version of Peter I loved his friendship with Ned I loved all the relatable fun high school stuff so I am really excited to see more of that and what comes next for him I suspect him and MJ will also have pretty great chemistry there's also the whole shield aspect with fury and he'll Happy's back Jake Gyllenhaal seems like a great choice for a new cinematic villain Mysterio. Peter also having to deal with the repercussions of Avengers 4 and also on a slightly smaller level the stress of going on international field trips with your class which can lead to more great high school stuff. Just everything about this is looking spectacular to me. Now huge surprise number one is actually Avengers endgame if you can believe that I thought I didn't really have much to say this at this point I've made a lot of videos on it and I've got a few more coming up but I think this would be a good time to clarify how or in what way I'm excited for this which I know sounds weird but just hear me out.

1. Avengers Endgame

Image result for avengers endgame

I've been saying not so much but just when I talk about it with people in my real life that this might be the most excited I've ever been for a film. If we just exclude baby driver for a second and I realized that I said a similar thing about infinity war and I don't want to just keep saying that every single time a new avengers comes out but i genuinely feel that way and here's why the thing is with infinity war. I was beyond excited for it because it was this culmination of this universe that I'm so invested in and it had all these characters in this epic tone and the trailers looked amazing and all that with endgame I'm beyond excited for it in a different kind of way. I mean yeah some of that stuff is still similar but it's a way I've never really been excited for film before infinity war was announced back in 2014 and while I was obviously excited for it I wasn't like thinking about it every day for four years before it came out that's the case with a lot of these for me of course I'm really excited but it's not until maybe like a week before or I'm really thinking about it a lot and I'm super hyped with Avengers 4 it's been like that since I got out of infinity war I've thought about this more than I have really any other MCU film kind of a bit like baby driver if you know the story of how excited there was for that because normally outside of this YouTube channel and some conversations with friends I don't really think about these movies that much in my daily life like as far as like what's the plot gonna be here where the characters gonna go or what's the best moment gonna be or you know that kind of stuff obviously I still think about movies a lot in my daily life but with this film specifically it keeps creeping up in my mind on almost a daily basis and it has for months and I think that's definitely credit to the secret of marketing and the cliffhanger ending and all the stuff Marvel's done they've done an excellent job with this and so I've just been thinking how are they gonna get out of this what characters were gonna see what's gonna happen cuz we still know so little about this and it's just about four months away and I love that so much could that set me up for disappointment sure but I think if I can keep my expectations you know slightly in check which I feel despite this excited nerdy rant that I just went on I haven't getting good at then I doubt it will point is yeah can't wait so those in the movies coming up next year that I'm most excited for did you agree with my list or do you hate me for ever referred not having - a story for in here screw it. Hope you liked the list.
TOP 10 MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF 2019 TOP 10 MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF 2019 Reviewed by TechSansar on March 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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