SEE Practice Questions of English

SEE refers to the School Evaluation Exam taken for grade10 students in Nepal. It is also regarded as the iron gate in Nepal as the students will be able to choose different faculty on their choosing. There are 6 major subjects Nepali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and 2 optional subjects which have to be chosen by the students.  All these subjects carries theoritical and practical marks of 75 and 25 respectively accept few subjects like Mathematics, Optional Mathematics, Computer etc.

CLASS: X (TEN)       TIME: 2hours and 15 minutes              FULL MARKS: 75
SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                       PASS MARKS: 30

I. Read the poem and do the tasks that follow:          (5)
The Road not Taken
                        Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
                        And sorry I could not travel both
                        And be one traveler, long I stood
                        And looked down one as far as I could
                        To where it bent in the undergrowth;
                        Then took the other, as just as fair,
                        And having perhaps the better claim,
                        Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
                        Though as far that the passing there
                        Had worn them really about the same,
                        And both that morning equally lay
                        In leaves no step had trodden black
                        Oh, I kept the first for another day!
                        Yet knowing how way lead on to way
                        I doubted if I should ever come back
                        I shall be telling this with a sigh
                        Somewhere ages and ages hence:
                        Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
                        I took the one less travelled by,
                        And that has made all the difference.
                                                                        -Robert Frost
A.    Answer the following questions in short:(5X1=5)
i. Where did the two roads get divided?
ii. Which road did the speaker take?
iii. Why did he choose that road?
iv. Why weren’t the leaves on the road black?
v. What was he not sure about?

2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow:                                                                           (10)
      Human trafficking is one of the cross-cutting issues. It is a worldwide serious concern. Human trafficking is an illegal trade of human beings for sexual exploitation, forced labour, extraction of organs or tissues and so on. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), human trafficking is the recruitment of transportation of persons by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of abduction, fraud on deception, or for the purpose of exploitation. It knows no gender, age, race and boundaries.
      Victims are trafficked within a country or transnational. They are smuggled because they are forced to work as prostitutes, domestic servants, beggars, factory workers, mine workers, circus performers and child soldiers. It is like another form of slavery. The majority of trafficking victims are women and children because their marginalization in many societies and their limited economic resources. Beside them, other key target groups include people from low income households, ethnic minorities, illiterate or people with low level education, refugees, illegal migrants, child running away from home, and other. Members of split families are also prone to it. Women of forced marriage and early marriage, windows and discriminated daughters are easily victimized.

A.    Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the passage above:                                        (5X1=5)
i. The person who engages in sexual activity for payment are……………………
ii. ……………is a woman who is left by husband.
iii……………….is an illegal trade of human beings.
iv. Human trafficking is another form of…………….
v. The majority of………..are women and children.

B.    Answer the following questions:              (5X1=5)
i. What is human trafficking?
ii. What are the victims forced to work as?
iii. What does UNODC stand for?
iv. Why are the majority of trafficking victims’ women and children?
v. What types of women are easily victimized?

3. Read the text and do the tasks.                          (10)
DDC’s yak cheese gets organic Certification
Kathmandu, Dec 4
 Cheese produced by Diary Development Cooperation (DDC) has received Organic Certification Nepal (OCN)
The certificate was issued as per the national
technical standards of Organic Agriculture Production and Processing System of Nepal, 2064 (amended 2065) and OCN standard. OCN provided certification to DDC yak. Cheese amid an event  organized in Kathmandu on Monday in the presence of representatives of OCN and DDC, as well as the Ministry of Livestock Development.
            Speaking at the event, Umesh Lama of OCN said that orange sticker will be provided to DDC’s yak cheese during the trial period. “We will give green stickers later on.” He said, adding; “We will now work to get international certification for yak cheese.” Once DDC’s yak cheese gets international certification, it can be exported to different international markets.
            Ishwari Prasad Adhikari, the spokesperson for the DDC, said that organic certification is important to promote yak farming and increasing production of yak milk. “Our product will get good price in the international market, once it receives international certification. Then we will be able to give good price to farmers”, he added. Dolakha, Ramechhap and Solukhumbu are the leading producers of yak cheese in Nepal.

A. Complete the following sentences using the correct words/ phrases from the text.                           (5X1=5)
a. DDC has obtained organic…………..for its yak cheese.
b. The………………is given to the products which meet the technical standards of organic production and OCN standards.
c. The award ceremony was held in……………………..
d. DDC yak cheese will be given…………….in the trial period.
e. The certification will contribute for the promotion of yak milk and………………………

B. Answer the following questions.                     (5X1=5)
a. What does OCN stands for?
b. Which organizations took part in the event?
c. When can DDC’s yak cheese be sold to other countries?
d. Who is Ishwari Prasad Adhikari?
e. Where is yak cheese mostly produced?

4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow:                                                                                       (15)
            George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic and socialist whose influence on western theatre, culture and politics stretched from the 1880 to his death in 1950. Originally earning his way as an influential London Musk and theatre critic, Shaw’s greatest gift was for the modern drama. Strongly influenced by Henrik Ibsen, he successfully introduced a new realism into English-language drama. He wrote more than 60 plays among them are ‘Man and Superman’, ‘Mrs. Warren’s Profession’, ‘Major Barbara’, ‘Saint Joan’, ‘Ceasar and Cleopatra’ and ‘Pygmalion’. With his range from being contemporary satire to historical allegory. Shaw became the leading comedy dramatist of his generation and one of the most important playwrights in English language since then 17th century. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.
            As a young man raised in poverty, Shaw embraced socialism and became an early and lifelong force in the Fabian Society, a highly influential British organization, founded in 1884, to promote a gradual socialism as opposed to revolutionary, that was the foundation for the British Labour Party in 1900. He tirelessly wrote and spoke on behalf of its wide-ranging vision to transform British Society, advocating a minimum wages for the working class, universal health care, women’s right to vote, and abolition of hereditary privilege. Not quite a pacifist because he justifies war when a necessary evil (as in fighting the Nazis in world war II), he worked for a peaceable world and supported the establishment of the League of Nations. He publicly opposed Britain’s entry into both world wars.
            Shaw is the only person to have been awarded both the Nobel Prize (literature, 1925) and an Academy Award (Best Adapted Screen-Play, 1968), the first of the contributions to literature and the second for this film adaptation of his most popular play, ‘Pygmalion’. Shaw refused all other rewards and honours including the offer of a ‘Knighthood’.
A. Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B.                                                                               (7X1=7)
Column A
Column B
On behalf of

In the name of
Representation of abstract concept

B. Answer the following questions.                     (8X1=8)
i. What was Shaw’s greatest gift?
ii. What is the Fabian Society?
iii. What did Shaw advocate for?
iv. What did he introduce?
v. What are his major plays?
vi. Who was he influenced by?
vii. When did he win Nobel Prize?
viii. What did he oppose publicly?

5. Write a newspaper condolence on the untimely demise of your uncle. Use the given clues.                       (5)
            Businessman Sundar Rokka………………died in Nawalparasi on August 27, 2018……………..30 years old…………Bus accident…………..hard working, honest and friendly………… in peace.

6. Two friends are planning to go the cinema tomorrow. Compose a dialogue between them in no more than six exchanges.                                                         (6)

7. Describe the following table that shows the marks obtained by Asha Uparkoti in the SLC examination.                                                                                                  (5)

Social Studies
Health & Population
Optional Maths

Total Marks

8. Prepare a film review on the basis of the following clues. Remember the movie that you have recently watched.  (8)
            Title…………….producer……………main characters/ actors……………. Duration………….your feeling about movie …………….. Genre………the events you like most…………… conclusion.

9. Reproduce the following sentences as directed in the brackets.                                                               (6)
i. I don’t think she will marry me,……………..?
                                    (Supply the correct question tag)
ii. She has some chocolates.      (into interrogative)
iii. I did my homework.             (into negative)
iv. She peels potato slowly.      (into present Cont’ tense)
v. My mother asked me what I did.
                                                            (into direct speech)
vi. Nobody answered my questions.
                                                            (into passive voice)

10. Choose and copy the best answers for the blanks below:                                                                            (5)
            Once upon a time, the people who lived on the coast of Japan ……………. (was terrorized/ were terrorized / have terrorized) by a terrible dragon, which would leap suddenly………………….(into/ to / out of) the sea and ……………(threaten/ threatened/ had threatened) any children that is found playing on the beach. Up in the heaven, Beltana…………….(a/ an/ the/ nothing) goddess of love, observed what…………..(happened/ was happening/ had happened). She felt pity, not only for the people……… (so/ to/but) also for the dragon. She thought, ‘He is so aggressive because he is made…………..(live/ to live/live) in solitude in the ocean depths. He can’t be kind…………. (can he/ could he/ can’t he)? If kindness hasn’t been shown to him? She came down on the surface of the ocean and summoned the dragon, “……………(come on to me/ came onto me/ you come on to me), my dear dragon.” The dragon appeared and Beltana drew near and smiled at it. Suddenly it changed to a gentle giant. Had the goddess not shown warmth of love to the dragon, it…………. (will not have changed/ would not have changed/ could have changed). Finally love tamed the beast.        



SEE Practice Questions of English SEE Practice Questions of English Reviewed by TechSansar on March 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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